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Ulzeraide Plus – Gut Health, Mycotoxin Binder and Ulcer Prevention
"Are You Worried About Your Horse's Hidden Gastric Ulcers and Risk of Mycotoxins?"
"Is your horse grumpy during grooming sessions?"
Horse gut supplements are essential for the effective digestion of grass, hay, and feed. Ulzeraide Plus is designed to soothe stomach discomfort, transforming touch from a challenge to a positive experience. Learn why Ulzeraide Plus, is Your partner in preventive gastrointestinal care and if gastric ulcers are a threat to your horse. Did you know, 50-60% of all horses may face gastric ulcers in their lifetime? Gastric ulcers can affect any horse, often without obvious symptoms until they become severe. These ulcers can lead to discomfort, poor performance, and serious health issues if left unchecked."Is your horse showing these symptoms? They might need the extra nutrients Ulzeraide Plus provides daily?"
🚨 Reacts to saddling and cover changes even though it fits 🚨 Girthy and touchy especially during grooming. 🚨 Shows difficulty moving forward, bending, and maintaining a correct posture. 🚨 Exhibits increased irritability, nervousness, and unexpected behaviors like bucking and rearing. 🚨 Struggles to hold vertebrae adjustments. 🚨 Muscle sore for no apparent reason even after bodywork. 🚨 Body soreness over the lumbar region and withers, soreness through the flank and over the last rib. 🚨 Pain in the wither region even though a professional saddle fitter checks the saddle numerous times. 🚨 Showing signs of gut pain, and a bloated stomach. 🚨 Poor appetite, weight loss, and poor condition. 🚨 The horse has repeated colic episodes. 🚨 Walking away from meals.Equine Gastric and Hindgut Ulcers
Several factors contribute to the development of these ulcers. Gastric ulcers in horses are primarily caused by the erosion of the stomach lining due to prolonged exposure to stomach acid. Even under the best management program, a horse can develop gastric ulcers and hindgut ulcers, from the stress of travel, stabling, competitions, separation anxiety, and injuries. Supplementing with a nutritional supplement can help, alongside veterinary medication and diet changes.Ulzeraide Plus - Battle Gastric Distress Naturally!
Discover the Synergy of probiotics, herbal extracts, and earth-based nutrients to soothe and protect your horse’s digestive system. Ulzeraide Plus helps support the Gastrointestinal system and contains a mycotoxin binder (Meriden Fusion DYAD) to aid in the management of the harmful effects of feed-borne mycotoxins.Are you concerned about the effects of mycotoxins?
Ulzeraide Plus contains a mycotoxin binder - Fusion® DYAD* - designed to minimise the negative effects of feed borne mycotoxins.Features:
💊 Broad-Spectrum Mycotoxin Binder: Fusion® DYAD* helps reduce the risk of Aflatoxins, Fumonisins, Lolitrem-B, Ergot Alkaloids, and Zearalenone. 💎 Pure Bentonite: The pure form of Bentonite and Mannan Oligosaccharides (extracted from the cell walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae) provide dual-action, physical, and chemical binding of a range of mycotoxins. 🔬 Ammonia-Binding Properties: In addition to selectively minimising the risk of mycotoxins, it also has excellent ammonia-binding properties.How it Works:
Fusion® DYAD* is a broad-spectrum mycotoxin binder that binds to mycotoxins in the feed, preventing them from being absorbed by the animal. The pure form of Bentonite and Mannan Oligosaccharides provide dual-action, physical, and chemical binding of a range of mycotoxins. In addition, it also has excellent ammonia-binding properties and can be used as an anti-caking agent.Are you looking for a probiotic that can help maintain good health and well-being?
PROBIOTICS – Introducing Living Bacteria Commonly known as direct-fed microbial, probiotics are live microorganisms administered to the horse. The purpose of probiotics is to promote a thriving bacterial environment by increasing the population of beneficial bacteria. Ulzeraide Plus contains LEVUCELL SB. This probiotic strain, Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii, has been used in human medicine for more than 50 years and is well documented with more than 300 available scientific publications. It has also been used in animal feeding for more than 20 years.Features:
🧪 Microbiota balance: LEVUCELL SB consumes the oxygen inside the gut, creating a good environment for the development of beneficial bacteria. It inhibits some activity of microbial toxins, such as Clostridium difficile Toxin A and E. coli endotoxin. 💊 Gut integrity: LEVUCELL SB helps increase crypt depth and villus height, limiting intestinal permeability. 💪 Natural defenses: Natural defenses are reinforced thanks to local immune system modulation.Humic and Fulvic Acid
This revolutionary product features fulvic and humic acids derived from ancient plant matter, perfect for maintaining cellular balance and optimum digestive health.Features:
- Fulvic Acid: An electrolyte that helps maintain cellular balance.
- Humic Acid: Maintains optimum digestive health.
- Improved Nutritive Value of Feed: Stabilizes the intestinal flora and improves protein digestion and calcium and trace element utilization.
- Boost Gut Biology: Increases nutrient uptake and feed utilisation, assisting in optimum digestion.
How it Works:
Humic and Fulvic Acid work to increase the efficiency of all nutrition that enters your horse including supplements, mineral licks, dry feed, and pasture. This natural product boosts gut biology while increasing nutrient uptake and feed utilisation, assisting in optimum digestion. This healthy gut flora is key to overall wellness because it supports immunity and improved digestion.Join our Email List to receive Discount Offers and Sale Announcements
[wpforms id="4112"]From: $42.00
Pazture Mag – Magnesium and B1
- Hates being touched or groomed.
- Muscle pain, spasms, cramping, twitches, tremors, and flinching.
- Grumpy during cover changes.
- Spooky, when normally calm.
- Over-reactive to stimuli, such as sound and movement.
- Lacks concentration when ridden, especially in Spring and Autumn.
- Inconsistent behavior from one ride to the next.
- Increased excitability or bucking.
- They are difficult to handle or ride when they are normally cooperative.
What does Thiamine, (Vitamin B1) do for horses?
Thiamine is needed for the efficient metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It is also critical for the processing of lactic and pyruvic acids, which contribute to "tying up" and is especially important in competition horses that are often fed large amounts of grain to support athletic ability.Vitamin B1 may be lacking due to:
- Hard Working Horses
- Horses on high grain diets
- Horses suffering from hindgut acidosis
- Horses suffering from stress
Why feed Magnesium to Horses?
Magnesium plays an important part in nerve and muscle function. Horses who are deficient show signs of nervousness, and excitability, are jumpy, and have tight sore backs which are not related to saddle fit. They have muscle tremors and skin hypersensitivity. A magnesium-deficient horse is likely to have a poor tolerance to work, fatigue quickly, and be prone to tying up. They build up lactic acid more quickly which is why magnesium deficient horses sometimes have behavior problems. They fatigue more quickly after work and don't recover as well. When a horse gets excited, its body uses magnesium to calm down and relax. The lower the magnesium level, the lower the threshold for new stress. Magnesium deficient horses can start calm during exercise. As the session progresses, they become spookier and more stressed.What Causes Magnesium Deficiency?
Magnesium tends to be deficient in Spring grasses due to the fast rate of growth. This is part of the reason why horses exhibit signs of Spring Flush (silly behavior), as magnesium deficiency commonly results in behavioral problems in horses.From: $32.50
Pazture Guarde – Pasture and Muscle Support, Encouraging a Calm Focused Mind
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[wpforms id="4112"]From: $41.50
Essentials Formula 1 With Selenium – Equine Vitamins, Minerals, and Hoof Supplement
Is Your Horse Struggling with Poor Hoof Quality, Mud Fever, or Skin Conditions?
Are your horse's hooves still cracking and brittle even though you take good care of them? Did you know, low levels of zinc and copper could be the problem? Learn how Essentials Formula 1, with selenium, can transform weak, brittle hooves into strong, resilient foundations for your horse in 6-9 months. Feeding Essentials Formula 1, daily can help prevent skin conditions like mud fever and rain scald, especially during wet conditions. This super equine vitamin, mineral, amino acid, and hoof supplement all rolled into one, promotes a shiny coat, healthy hooves, and topline. This formula has high levels of Biotin, plus amino acids, L-Lysine and DL-Methionine and L-Threonine. It has the correct ratio of Zinc to Copper for maximum absorption.Specifically formulated for NZ conditions and Soil types
Essentials Formula 1, provides essential nutrients lacking in many feed crops, pastures, and soil. It has no added iron, making it the perfect supplement for horses and ponies grazing on NZ pasture and drinking bore water with high iron content. Essentials Formula 1 is one of the best copper and zinc supplements for horses. Designed for horses and ponies not receiving premix feeds, or below recommended daily rate. It can also be fed when a very small amount of premix feed is fed, and daily recommended vitamin and mineral requirements are not being met. The level of selenium will generally keep the average horse or pony at current selenium levels unless the soil is fertilized with selenium prills or the pasture is high in selenium. Getting your horse's blood tested for selenium yearly is highly recommended.Essentials Formula 1, Selenium Free is recommended when:
- Your horse or pony receives a blood test showing high selenium levels but still requires a vitamin and mineral supplement to maintain health with no selenium added.
- Is being supplemented with selenium from your veterinarian or other supplements?
- Grazing on a property that has high levels of selenium in the soil and pasture.
Equine Minerals: The Importance of Zinc, Copper, and an Iron-Free Formulation
New Zealand's pasture, hay, and feed crops have high iron levels which can reduce the availability of zinc and copper. The most common mineral imbalance in hay is too much iron combined with low zinc and copper levels. A high iron concentration can interfere with both zinc and copper absorption, making already low levels of these minerals even less available to your horse. Until recently, the veterinary industry has viewed iron toxicity in equines mainly as an acute condition—the result of overdosing on iron-containing supplements. However, researchers have found that equines exposed to high iron levels in water, grass, or hay over a prolonged period can accumulate the mineral in their livers, resulting in chronic iron overload. Black-skinned horses which include greys need more copper and zinc than others. Bays and chestnuts will look washed out with lighter colors than normal coats, and the blacks will have a definite reddish look. Horses need copper in their diets to properly utilize iron and to develop healthy connective tissue. It is also important for horses with allergies. It can lower the concentration of histamine in the body. Copper also helps to keep the central nervous system running correctly. In adult horses, a deficiency of copper and zinc in the diet may cause limb deformities, thinning of the bones, swelling of the joints, blood vessel weakness, connective tissue weakness, saggy skin, and a lowered immune system. Copper is the main mineral for the body to produce T cells. It is also important for bone integrity, heart health, skin pigmentation, and to prevent premature graying. Horses showing signs of low iron levels can be supplemented according to veterinary instructions. When copper deficiency occurs, iron levels fall too short, and anemia can develop.Avoid Added Iron
Avoid vitamin and mineral supplements for horses that contain added iron as an ingredient. Horses typically obtain more than enough iron from their diet, and excess intake could have negative health consequences. Products with added iron will have one of the following ingredients listed on the label:- iron oxide
- ferrous furmate
- ferrous sulfate
- ferrous gluconate
It does not contain Magnesium. Magnesium requirements are individual and a different magnesium product like Pazture Guarde or Pazture Mag can be added separately.Vitamin E
Vitamin E is not included in Essentials Formula 1 mineral/vitamin mixes because it oxidizes very quickly when added to feeds or multi-ingredient supplements. For this reason, it is more effective to supplement Vitamin E separately to ensure its benefits are fully realised.NZ Natural Zeolite
Essentials Formula 1 and 2 contain NZ natural Zeolite in the form of Optimate, an ACVM-registered toxin binder. This is a highly bioavailable natural form of silica that supports bone and connective tissue health. Performance horses and senior horses may especially benefit from Zeolite.Are you looking for a way to improve your horse's hoof health?
Essentials Formula contains high levels of Biotin. Each 22.5-gram scoop contains 15mg of biotin. This sulphur-containing B vitamin is essential for healthy hoof growth and plays a role in hoof horn quality and hoof wall strength. Biotin supplementation has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it can help correct biotin deficiencies, improve hoof hardness, and promote overall hoof health.Features:
🐎 Essential for healthy hoof growth: Biotin is an essential coenzyme in the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and fat, enabling support of growth, performance work and reproduction. 💪 Improves hoof hardness: Biotin is used in supplements to improve the quality of the horse’s hoof and is also beneficial to the coat. 🦄 Promotes overall hoof health: By using a biotin supplement in your horse’s feed, it can help promote strong, healthy hoof horn growth.How it works:
Biotin should be fed to horses needing to improve poor hoof horn and develop healthy hooves. It acts as an essential coenzyme in the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, and fat and so enables support of growth, performance work, and reproduction. Biotin is particularly important for normal thyroid and adrenal gland function.From: $34.50
Mega Dog Formula – Joint Supplement and Wellbeing
Dog and Canine Joint Supplement
"Dog lovers, is your best friend not as playful as they once were?" "Painful joints can steal away the joy from our dogs’ lives, making every step a struggle." But what if there was a way to turn back the clock? Introducing Power Star Nutrition's Mega Dog Formula, a breakthrough in canine joint health. Crafted from the purest ingredients, our formula is designed to reduce inflammation, enhance mobility, and rebuild joint strength. Just sprinkle this formula on your dog's food to enhance their mobility and comfort in just a few weeks. Experience the transformation firsthand—watch as your dog regains their youthful vigor. "Don't just take our word for it. See the difference for yourself." Bring the play back into your dog’s life because every dog deserves a pain-free tomorrow.Some of the benefits of Mega Dog Formula Joint Supplement
- Helps soothe achy joints
- Increases mobility
- Helps support natural growth and development
Stormy Harford is a Siberian Husky and is 16 years old, these are recent photos of her on 4th July 2022.
Mega Dog Formula has made a huge difference to her mobility and well-being throughout her years.
She has been eating this since she was 6 years old, sprinkling on her food at night. Stormy still gets excited to go for daily walks, can still jump up on the bed, and loves going for a drive in the Ute.
For the last two years, she has developed a slight stiffness in her hip and front paw but provided she eats Mega Dog daily this is less noticeable.
[caption id="attachment_5206" align="aligncenter" width="253"]Testimonial - Jackie Cole - November 2024
Dog Joint Supplements are recommended for:
- Large breeds, and breeds that are prone to joint problems.
- Puppies, once they stop growing (typically right after 12 months) enter the BEST time to start experiencing the greatest benefits of joint supplements.
- Older dogs
- Working Dogs
- After an Injury
Mega Dog Formula Ingredients:
- Rich in glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and Omega 3 fatty acids: help support healthy joints and connective tissue
- Glucosamine + chondroitin: help support healthy joints
- Joint support: helps to reduce inflammation and pain in the joints
- Antioxidants: help to protect the cells from damage
- Immune support: helps to keep the immune system strong
- Trace minerals: help to support the body's systems
- Digestive support: helps to keep the digestive system healthy
- Support for the connective tissue, bones, tendons, and cartilage: helps to keep the body's systems healthy and functioning properly.
- No artificial ingredients, additives, or preservatives.
- No wheat, rice, sugar, grains, cereals, soy, or gluten
Green Lipped Mussel Powder:
Green Lipped Mussel is 100% pure and sourced from clean, green New Zealand waters. These waters are primarily situated in the Marlborough Sounds. The powder is made by freeze-drying raw green-lipped mussels. This is then milled into a powder. The result is a naturally pure product that contains no additives or preservatives. It is one of nature's best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, chondroitin, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Nutrients naturally contained in green-lipped mussels assist with synovial fluid in the joints, and speed the repair of ligaments and tendons. It significantly increases joint mobility.MSM - Methysulfonylmethane:
Is an organic form of sulfur and an essential bonding element, for skin, nails, and connective tissue. As the body ages, the concentration of MSM in the body begins to decrease, so deficiencies may occur as part of the aging process. A low concentration of MSM in the body may result in both physical and psychological stress, organ, and tissue malfunction plus fatigue. A deficiency will result in a dull coat, skin problems, poor gastric health, low immune systems, and joint pain. The drying and processing of dog food considerably reduces and destroys MSM so adding it to the diet is important.Diatomaceous Earth:
It is the microscopic remains of fossilized diatoms, a type of algae. Diatoms are found in freshwater and saltwater. Diatom cell walls are made of silica. In today's grains, there is a shortage of silica. Years ago, the silica found in our foodstuff was adequate. With today's hybrids and depleted soils, only about 1/3 of the silica needed is supplied in the dog’s diet. Silica is important for bones, tendons, skin, cartilage, and blood vessels. It promotes improved health, well-being, and digestive health. Diatomaceous Earth also contains 15 trace minerals.Turmeric Root Powder:
Dogs can benefit substantially by adding turmeric to their diet. It is used in Indian curries and has a history of use in Indian and Chinese traditional medicine. It is a perennial plant of the ginger family. Curcumin is thought to be the principal pharmacological agent in turmeric. Today it is one of the most extensively researched herbs/spices for pharmacological use. It is favored for its potentially beneficial use in helping an extensive range of health conditions due to its excellent qualities. Clinical studies have proven that curcumin provides highly powerful antioxidant effects and its ability to neutralize free radicals. Free radicals cause painful inflammation and eventual damage to joints.Glucosamine Sulphate:
Is it a natural substance found in your pet's body, with the highest concentration found in healthy cartilage? The glucosamine in your dog's body produces glycosaminoglycan, which is used to help form and repair body tissues such as cartilage. As your dog ages, the natural production of glucosamine in the body slows. As a result, the natural repair process in the body slows, eventually leading to joint pain and stiffness. The ongoing wear and tear on your dog's joints, combined with the slowed repair time of the cartilage, leads to the development of painful arthritis. The good news is that research has found that providing supplements of glucosamine for dogs can help rebuild cartilage, which can help restore your dog's joint function and activity levels.Benefits of glucosamine for dogs:
- Glucosamine has an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to reduce your dog's pain.
- Side effects are very rare.
- Helps restore joint health naturally, increasing mobility.
- Improves lubrication in your dog's joints.
- May reduce or eliminate the need for NSAIDs, which have possible side effects and don't repair the joints, only reduce pain.
Humic Acid:
Our Humic Acid is a registered feed product for animals overseas. It is a unique earth-based nutritional supplement for use when requirements for trace minerals are not being met by the dog’s diet. It soothes and supports the digestive tract and provides the nutrients to help assist with gut ulcers. It supports the immune system and helps your dog look shiny and well.Vitamin C - (Sodium Ascorbate):
Vitamin C benefits the sick and the stressed. This may be appropriate when dealing with healthy unstressed animals, but recent clinical observations indicate that when dogs are sick or stressed, they can rapidly deplete their body's output of vitamin C. A 1942 study noted that dogs with skin diseases usually have very low amounts of vitamin C in their blood. Other researchers have found the blood levels of vitamin C to be low and even non-existent in dogs with fevers and dogs who have exercised to their limits (sled dogs after a race, for example, or hunting dogs in the middle of hunting season). Stress is the best-known cause of vitamin C depletion in dogs. Physical stress comes in many forms: gestation, lactation, growth, hard work (dogs used for herding, hunting, tracking, etc.), vaccinations, injuries, tail-docking or ear cropping, and illness. Emotional stress, caused by relocation, weaning, or demanding training, can also deplete this reserve. Researchers can measure the level of stress a dog experiences by measuring the degree of depletion of the vitamin in the dog’s blood. Conversely, many studies have found that dogs (as well as humans) that are supplemented with vitamin C show greater disease resistance, and a better ability to recover from injuries or illness. Mega Dog Formula is designed for puppies, growing dogs, and older dogs. It is a powder that is sprinkled on food.Join our Email List to receive Discount Offers and Sale Announcements
[wpforms id="4112"]From: $36.00
Alpha Gold – Ease of Movement and Immune Support
Alpha Gold's Benefits:
- Can help decrease joint pain, which could improve your quality of life.
- Can help speed up recovery after exercise by reducing muscle damage and stress.
- Helps alleviate arthritis symptoms by reducing pain and stiffness.
- May help relieve allergy symptoms by reducing inflammation.
- Can boost immunity and help you stay healthy.
- Helps improve skin health by strengthening Keratin.
From: $32.50
White Willow Bark – Arthritis, Joint and Muscle Pain
Do You Have An Older Horse Or Pony That Is Starting To Struggle With Mobility?
White Willow Bark powder may be just what you need! This magic herb has been getting amazing feedback from customers and hoof trimmers alike. White Willow Bark powder helps support joints and the musculoskeletal system in horses and ponies with painful issues. It contains salicylic acid, which helps reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Due to their chemical similarity, one could assume that White Willow Bark's efficacy is the same as that of aspirin. Unlike aspirin, white willow bark has no blood-thinning effects and is not detrimental to the stomach lining. It can therefore also be given to horses and dogs. So if your horse is starting to show signs of arthritis, this could be a great natural remedy. Here are some of the benefits our customers have reported:- Reduces inflammation and relieves pain.
- Supports joints and the musculoskeletal system.
- Helps with mobility problems, especially in older horses.
- Assist with shoeing and hoof trimming by making the horse more comfortable during the process.
Anna McKee shares her review below:
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From: $27.50
Alpha Gold – Ease of Movement and Immune Support
Alpha Gold's Benefits:
- Can help decrease joint pain, which could improve your quality of life.
- Can help speed up recovery after exercise by reducing muscle damage and stress.
- Helps alleviate arthritis symptoms by reducing pain and stiffness.
- May help relieve allergy symptoms by reducing inflammation.
- Can boost immunity and help you stay healthy.
- Helps improve skin health by strengthening Keratin.
From: $32.50
MSM for Horses: Supporting Healthy Joints and Muscles
Do you want to support your horse's healthy joints and muscles?
MSM for horses with Vitamin C is here to help! MSM, (Methylsulfonylmethane) is a well-known antioxidant that supports healthy joints, skin, coats, hooves, and more. Vitamin C helps promote an active lifestyle and aids in recovery from injuries. These two together are a dynamic duo for supporting your horse's health!Do you want your horse to be able to move more freely and recover from injuries quickly?
MSM for horses with Vitamin C is a supplement that helps horses and ponies move more freely and recover from injuries more quickly. It also has benefits for equines with poor hoof condition, as well as performance horses thanks to its ability to minimize oxidative damage and inflammation, boosting muscle recovery time.Here are some of the Benefits of MSM and Vitamin C:
- Helps horses and ponies move more freely and recover from injuries quickly.
- Benefits for equines with poor hoof condition.
- Minimizes oxidative damage and inflammation, boosting muscle recovery time.
Why Feed MSM for Horses?
- Although naturally occurring in foods such as Lucerne and whole grains, the amount of MSM from the horse's diet is unlikely to be a significant contributor compared to supplementing with the pure ingredient.
- MSM is essential for joint health and one of its most important roles is the production of collagen, which is a component of connective tissue and cartilage which are the “shock absorbers’ of the joints. MSM can be beneficial for any horse, young or old, in need of additional joint support.
- MSM has benefits for heavily exercised horses by minimizing oxidative damage and inflammation allowing their muscles to recover quickly. It is frequently given to high-performance horses to keep them in top competition shape.
- It can help to promote an active lifestyle, by helping older horses to stay comfortable and mobile.
- It can support the production of keratin – a protein that makes up hair, hooves, and skin. MSM is wonderful for promoting healthy hooves.
- It helps support soft tissue, tendon, and ligament health. MSM can prevent oxidative damage; help to produce glutathione (an antioxidant that keeps tissues healthy); and is rich in sulfur for joint, tissue, tendon, and ligament health.
From: $19.50
Quick Hair – Regrowth and Healing, Emu Oil
Quick Hair Healing Cream with Emu Oil
"Introducing Quick Hair Cream for horses, your solution to accelerated hair regrowth and a revitalized mane and coat. Tired of waiting days for your horse's wounds to heal and for new hair to grow? Say goodbye to frustration and hello to efficiency with our innovative formula. Our extensive hair growth trials have revealed the reality of untreated areas taking up to 7-10 days for any noticeable signs of recovery. But with Quick Hair Cream, sluggish healing becomes a thing of the past. Our unique blend, enriched with Emu Oil, Aloe vera, Vitamin E, and essential oils, works synergistically to kickstart the healing process, ensuring rapid hair regrowth and a smoother recovery journey for your horse. Emu Oil penetrates deeply to nourish the hair follicles, while Aloe vera soothes and moisturizes the skin, promoting optimal conditions for hair growth. Vitamin E provides antioxidant support, protecting the hair and skin from environmental stressors, while essential oils offer additional nourishment and promote overall skin health. With Quick Hair Cream, every application is a step towards a healthier, more vibrant mane and coat for your horse. Experience the magic today and witness the transformative power of Quick Hair Cream." Please note: If the hair follicles are damaged, hair will not grow back. In some cases, some old scars will not grow hair after the cream is applied. For best results apply to new hair loss.From: $35.00
Horse Supplements
Natural support for gastric, stomach and hindgut ulcers plus the added benefits of a mycotoxin binder to aid digestion
Learn MoreDog Supplements
Mega Dog Formula is a joint supplement designed for puppies, growing dogs and older dogs. A nutritious powder that is sprinkled on food
Learn MoreAbout Rachel's Training
Horse health and well being has been her focus for the last 24 years. Rachel runs a successful Equine Therapy business in Auckland. She helps horses improve their performance by providing therapy sessions and top class nutritional supplements that she formulated. Nutritional deficiencies play a big role in muscle soreness, pain and behavior.
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