What our clients say
Jenny Killick - November 2024
Jenny Killick - November 2024
I’ve been using PowerStar Essentials for many years, it all started when I was looking for vit/min mix for a very feed sensitive/reactive WB.
PowerStar Essentials popped up in one of searches, I really liked the fact that there were no fillers, good quality ingredients, and specially no sugar!
I brought my 1st bag and never looked back! All my horses are fed PowerStar Essentials now, their coats glow and they feel great!!
Frances Buckley
Oh my goodness I absolutely love Chaste Berry, it’s the best kept secret for sure!
Sophie Alexander - July 2024
Jessica Aislabie - July 2024
Hi Rachel, Myko(On the left) loves your Mega Dog Formula & it’s been wonderful to help strengthen his joints as he has bone dysplasia
He had a knee replacement a few years ago & he’s only 5 now With exercise, diet & the Mega Dog Formula he has maintained good health. Thank You Jeanette
Jeanette Crooks - June 2024
Bronwyn Hoey - June 2024
Both my horses Rico (25) and Jett (7) have been using MSM for a few years now.
Originally Rico was on Eaze up. But I changed to MSM as a test to see how well he would do on it. Prior to using Powerstar Nutrition products Rico would get puffy legs after jumping on hard ground or even a hard gallop at the beach.
He doesn’t miss a day of taking it and I can say that we gallop weekly, either on the hunt field (where he still happily gates as he has hunted for 21 years and this is where he is happiest) or at the beach, and he has not had a single unsound day!
Jett uses MSM as he is a big horse at 17.1hh and he is solid. He works hard as a hunter and I love knowing that his joints are supported by such a great product, especially at the start of the season when the ground is quite hard.
Sara Landon - June 2024
Thank you for your Power Star Nutrition products they are amazing! I started using your products in January 24 and haven’t looked backed! I now have a happy and relaxed TB.
Can’t recommend Rachel enough, she is so knowledgeable and works with you to get exactly what you need
Emma Masterton - June 2024
White Willow Bark Review – About 9 months ago my retired horse Tom, a 20-year-old warmblood TB started to really struggle to keep his feet up while being trimmed. Tom had become increasingly stiff but had always been OK to trim.
He could no longer get his legs forward to keep his hoof on the hoof stand. He became reluctant to even lift his foot off the ground. My trimmer had to get very creative to get the job done which became increasingly difficult for her and Tom.
I tried giving him a high dose of Bute before trimming but it made no difference. Walking him for 15 minutes prior to his trim helped a little bit but not enough to show any real improvement.
In early February I was given a sample of Power Star Nutrition White Willow. 3 days prior to his trim I started giving it to Tom, gradually increasing the dose to the maximum the night before and the morning of trimming. The improvement was dramatic. Tom was able to put his foot up on the stand and keep it there. His trim was straightforward and done with ease.
My Trimmers were thrilled and relieved. I decided to wait for 2 more trims to be done just to be sure that it was the White Willow that was making the difference. The next trim went really well.
At the time of his third trim, I was really busy caring for some feral kittens and as I was so distracted I forgot to start the White Willow 3 days before the trim. For that trim, Tom only got the high dose the night before and the morning of the trim and once again it worked its magic and he was comfortable being trimmed.
This has made such a difference and I am so happy that Tom is comfortable and my trimmer is safe doing her job.
I would recommend this product very highly to anyone whose horse is struggling with joint issues or pain.
Anna McKee - April 2022
My pony Jinx had previously had stomach ulcers but even after treatment, he was still off and on being grumpy when touched and had a very tense choppy way of going especially his canter. So we started using Ulzeraide Plus to prevent the ulcers from coming back and it changed his whole way of going!
He’s now a very chilled-out pony who really covers the ground when moving. He has always been a very successful show pony but since getting on top of the ulcers he can now put in a very good dressage test starting out at Level 2 this year with some scores in the 70s!
He can also score well in his canter work and has recently come home with lots of champion paced and mannered in the show ring something we never thought of would be possible before. I’ve had amazing results with the power star nutrition products and highly recommend them.
Sophie and Chelly - March 2022
My 15-year-old mare Jazz has been using Power Star Nutrition supplements for 4 years now. In 2016 I contacted Rachel for nutritional advice and started Jazz on Pazture Mag and Ulzeraide. It literally worked on her within 3 days of feeding. Her temperament changed dramatically and was a pleasure to ride. She went from spooking at her shadow to relaxed and rideable.
I then added ‘Ease Up’ for her joints as she was always a bit stiff starting out on a ride. This too has had an amazing effect on her. She feels so much softer throughout her body! And is much happier in her work. Yay!
I also started my mare Jay on the supplements. Jay’s coat is amazing! She won best Rheinland Mare last week on the Hanoverian tour! The judges were all very impressed with her shiny coat and dapples.
The girls have been so happy and relaxed the past month.
Alice Yvonne Cochran - Auckland - March 2020
I highly recommend using Essentials Formula 2. The hair growth is amazing and the hooves have improved immensely! Their coats are now shiny and healthy.
It is by far the best, I’ve been using it for two years now and the horses look great!
Here is my main mare…. her mane is mostly left-handed and is down to her shoulder! She is barefoot and a hardy machine. I’ve owned her for 14 years… Love this product.
Kim Lowry - Waitara - February 2020
Just have to say ….. holy hell I made a financially tough decision to change our older pony from 4cyte and try him on your Eaze Up…
OMG, I wish I had done this sooner!!!!! At this rate, he won’t need Pentosan injections either. He is pumping around the paddock like a 2year old, not 19. THANK YOU for making such amazing products. He started on the Eaze Up at the end of January.
Beth Lamb – Whangarei February 2020
If you are looking to try some new supplements for your horses look no further! I have been using Ulzeraide Plus and Pazture Mag and absolutely love them. Ulzeraide Plus is amazing for keeping my boy’s tummies happy, during the season their bodies are put under stress and dietary changes, which can upset the gastrointestinal system and lead to ulcers.
Ulzeraide Plus supports the gastrointestinal system and prevents ulcers as well as contains a mycotoxin binder to manage the negative effects of feed-borne mycotoxins. The Pazture Mag contains magnesium and thiamine (B1) which replace what is lacking in the grass, this allows my horses to feel relaxed and focused for both at-home training and competition.
The Power Star Nutrition products are all produced within the FEI swabbing regulations and are of the highest quality. Thank you, Sophie Alexander
Sophie Alexander - Auckland - February 2020
I am a firm believer in keeping it simple when it comes to my horse’s diet.
I searched high and low for a quality supplement with higher levels of zinc and copper for my standardbred that was prone to pastern dermatitis in his white sock almost year round.
When I came across Power Star Nutrition Essentials Formula 1 with selenium in June 2019, I decided to give it a go.
Haven’t looked back since and amazingly so far no more white sock issues!
I recently brought a neglected gelding at the end of October 2019 and got him on the supplement straight away, the difference in such a short space of time was amazing.
He looks like a completely different horse now! He still has a way to go but you can see in the short space of time how amazing he’s looking…
Bex Nash - Auckland- February 2020
This is a client of mine, Billy is a TB and had huge bacterial/fungal infections in his offside forefoot, we started him on the Essentials Formula 1, vitamins, and minerals. We treated the infection with hydrogen peroxide and copper sulfate crystals. Within 10 weeks it was mostly grown out and his hoof horn quality had improved immensely!
Billy has made massive changes in the health of his hooves since starting on the Essentials Formula 1, five months ago. Thanks for such a great product. Billy’s owner has also been more proactive in his hoof care. The right minerals can make a huge difference in hoof health, combined with good trimming and an owner proactive in hoof hygiene.
Elise Lett - Rotorua - February 18
Essentials Formula 1 is amazing. Over the last few winters, my poor pony Holly was extremely prone to rain scald and mud fever. The rain scald was raw and covered in blood. It was itchy and extremely sore to the touch. We had our hoof trimmer out today and we realized that Holly has NO mud fever or rain scald this winter even though it is wetter than normal in Auckland. Both Mork and Mika do have mud fever on their white socks, the only difference is that Holly gets Essentials, and the other two don’t. They have been grazing at the same place, same mud, same cover, same hay, same hard feed, and same supplements, except for Essentials.
The Quick Hair helped the hair go back, without any white hair or scarring. The Essentials has helped this from happening this winter. It provides the essential nutrients missing in the soil, especially during the months of July and August when it is wet and muddy. Zinc and Copper levels become very low and levels in some feeds and supplements don’t meet the nutritional requirements for the horse.
Kylie Parrish - Auckland- August 16
Luca has always been a horse who struggles in winter and is a typical thoroughbred. He is stressy, has separation anxiety, and can’t stand still when tied up. His weight was dropping quite substantially a couple of weeks before my investigation into supplements that would help, despite increasing his feed.
I contacted Rachel 5 weeks ago after hearing recommendations about her product Ulzeraide. Upon more research and a chat with Rachel, it seemed to me a better alternative to one of the popular products on the market. Ulzeraide is affordable to feed so I started feeding him. I did not change his feed during the five weeks however he was in light work for the first two weeks but then had three weeks off while I was overseas. He was on a scoop of Ulzeraide every second day, (this is below recommended daily dose) and a teaspoon of Pazture Mag. He gets a sweet feed-type mix with Lucerne chaff and a scoop of equilibrium.
I returned from my holiday after 5 weeks of Luca being on the products. He was looking a lot better condition-wise and more importantly happier and stress-free. He stood for the first time ever calmly!! He seemed a lot more relaxed in the eye and the face. We went for a hack up the road with his mates, and he was such a gentleman, not putting a foot wrong or spooking at anything. He was not titchy or uptight, it was like he was a different horse!! This was, after three weeks off, and I was expecting a rocket. Especially as this horse generally needs a lunge before a ride with even just a week off!! I highly recommend Ulzeraide to anybody who is struggling with similar symptoms to me – I’ve never been one to go crazy with the supplements, but I’m sold on Ulzeraide.
Becky Watson - Auckland - July 2016
Dee’s hooves have been really bad lately, with cracks and he also has a skin condition. Rachel advised me to start him on Essentials Formula 1.
His feet have improved heaps, in a short time – no more big cracks and they are not so brittle. It’s also helped with the skin on his back legs. He had a mud rash all year round and nothing worked for it but this seems to be getting rid of it!
Hana Bognuda - Wanganui - July 2016
Hi Rachel, Thank you for making Ulzeraide, I have a totally different horse now. He no longer winds sucks or leaves his dinner, he’s packed on the weight and no longer gets bloated! This is the longest he has gone without getting ulcers again. He was on and off Omeprazole regularly and I have pretty much worked my way through all the ulcer supplements on the market and nothing really worked and spent hundreds. I was so frustrated; actually, it was cheaper to have him on Omeprazole than buying supplements that did not work. I was really struggling to put muscle back on, especially through his back.
This is the first time in ever he has stopped wind-sucking after dinner.
Bailey McIntosh - South Island - May 2016
Hey Rachel, Just writing to say a massive thank you for you and your amazing products! We have been using your products for a while now… Starting back when I found out my horse was seriously grass affected, he was affected so badly that he had to spend a year off the grass. Since using your products he has become a different horse and now is able to live on grass 24/7 without having to have any vet visits… Each day gets better and better for both his paddock life and his ridden life…At the Egmont A&P show in Nov, he won Champion novice and Champion open! We have also been using your amazing joint formula, Eaze Up for my sister’s pony. He is now 21 and still moves as though he is in his prime. Nothing is stopping him and they have been the winning combination for the pony club eventing season ending with the sash around his neck for another year. We can’t thank you enough for your incredible products and amazing service… If I forget to tell mum that we are running out, she quickly orders some more and it’s generally here by the next day! We have recommended your products to many others as we truly believe they are the answer to many problems!
Tracey, Sarah and Suzy Bolton - New Plymouth - April 2016
I began using Rachel’s products about 2 years ago after asking her for assistance with my TB Gelding Nemo after we had reached a point where he was so aggressive both on the ground and in the saddle that I was losing my confidence to ride him or go anywhere near him. After trying to give him his feed one morning, he turned and double-barrelled me, and I flung the feed bucket out to protect myself while leaping out of the way. He had never acted like this before and I had him already on a toxin binder that I had purchased from a local retail outlet, but it seemed that it just wasn’t working. In desperation I contacted Rachel and she put me onto her products, now called Pazture Guarde and Ulzeraide, within 3 days I already noticed the difference.
As Nemo also had hip and back problems for which he was receiving treatment every three weeks, I decided to try Rachel’s Eaze Up, and the results were amazing. I was able to cut my treatments down drastically and now only need them done about every 6 – 8 weeks when necessary.
I’m also using Rachel’s Essentials for Nemo, as we went through a period where he was so “flat” and had little to no energy. I called the vet out and we drew blood and tested for all minerals etc. His Iron was slightly low, as was his Zinc. Rachel asked if I wanted to try her Essentials. I’ve never looked back… Nemo is looking amazing, his tail which was always a little flimsy is looking thick and lovely, and his hooves have become strong and healthy. Whenever I run out of Essentials and Nemo misses a few days, he suddenly develops lameness in his front right. This goes away immediately after I start using Essentials again. Rachel and I are still at a loss for what this might be and how the Essentials is working for Nemo, all we know is that when he doesn’t have it, then he becomes lame.
I’ve never looked back, since discovering Rachel’s products and will continue to use them as I have a very happy horse both on the ground and in the saddle, which after 3 years of struggling is a welcome relief! Thanks, Rachel!
Anaya Buys - Auckland - February 2016
What can I say, these products are truly amazing. Thanks to Rachel and her support our horses have never looked or performed better. The results we are getting speak for themselves. I now have 3 horses in the Endurance High-Performance Squad targeting representing New Zealand at WEG in Canada in 2018. We use Ulzeraide, Pasture Mag, and Eaze Up on a daily basis for our competition horses and there is no way I would leave home without these products.
We have also used Quick Hair on a yearling that injured himself and we thought his showing days were over before they had even started, but thanks to this product we have no scar. I reckon my husband should try this on himself as with age his forehead is getting more pronounced, not sure that I would be able to convince him to give it a try.
Twynham El Desiree is the one with the cover on she was ridden by a friend of mine Ashley Cole in the 120km FEI 2* event and won, Desiree has been named in the High-Performance Squad tracking towards WEG 2018 in Canada. As you can see she is trying to get to the Ulzeraide. MF Bab Al Shams is the other one and I rode her in the same event, we got 2nd and the Best Conditioned award. I am also hoping to get her on the Squad for Canada. The products in the photos are the fuel they run on and I can’t thank you enough for your support and your amazing products, they have made a huge difference to our results. We don’t even have the mareish behavior that we have had in the past.
Alison Higgins - Power Star Nutrition Sponsored Rider - November 2015
Power Star Nutrition is simply the best. ALL our horses are fit/ healthy but most importantly happy and supple in their mind and bodies. From Young to Old, Power Star Nutrition has something for all of them, including general healthy. We have very thick/ sweet grass all year round and with the added stress of high performance, it is important for my competition horse to be comfortable in their own skin. Thanks to the Power Star Nutrition range we can achieve this.
I can guarantee you that you will love this product. So, go ahead and give them a try, you too can be amazed at the results and truly enjoy riding your horses, no matter what the season.
Alannah Beuth and Astek Glentui – Sponsored Rider - February 2016
Since using Power Star Nutrition products the difference in my horses has been very noticeable.
The Pazture Mag has meant that even with the extra grass growth we have been having lately, the horses have remained really calm. I have one which was previously almost unrideable at times due to grass problems (even when on other products which were meant to help with this!).
The Eaze Up has made a huge difference to freedom in their movement and they feel much softer over their back! The horses are all in the best condition they have been in since being fed Ulzeraide, and they are so happy and free in their work.
Kirsty Schist -February 2016
Since introducing Eaze Up to my 26-year-old warmbloods feed a few months ago, I am thrilled with the improvements. He is no longer lame and his stiffness has decreased. He is happily walking and trotting around the paddock. I am impressed because he was at the point of going to horsey heaven because he was sore and depressed.
P Kenny - Auckland- February 2016
I wouldn’t be without the Power Star Nutrition products my horse is prone to staggers and since I have been on Rachel’s products I have not had a problem. I highly recommend these products 100%.
Jenny-Lee Jorgensen - Auckland - February 2016
I just wanted to drop a few words on my sample of Pazture Mag. This stuff rocks, I started my two on it 2 weeks ago and it has settled them heaps. We have no head flick and they are really settled with whatever grass I give them. I would highly recommend it to anyone to give it a go. Out of all the powders, I have tried George eats this up he even licks the feed bowl. Hahahaha, love my boys. So thanks Power Star Nutrition this stuff rocks.
Lisa Sailsbury - Taranaki - February 2016
I have been using two of Power Star Nutrition products for a while now. The first one is Eaze Up. My horse is a big horse and would get quite stiff in the shoulders and neck, especially on the hard ground. Since using Eaze Up he is moving so much better and is no longer stiff. Fabulous product. The second is the Pazture Guarde. I have tried many magnesium-based products in the past and have found this by far the best. My horse remains level-headed and calm – no spookiness and grass issues any longer. Looking forward to trying the new Essentials! Highly recommend these products and Rachel is wonderful to deal with.
Ruth Kennett - Auckland - February 2016
I was having behavioral issues with my horse both on the ground and whilst riding, to the point I was scared. Not really what an adult returning to riding wants. I started feeding Ulzeraide and Pazture Guarde and within a week, he was a different horse. So much calmer, less spooky, and overall a much more relaxed horse to be around. He seemed so much happier in himself too. I have only ever run out of these products once and I learned the hard way……yup he was back to his unsettled and spooky ways. Such amazing products. I keep him on these products all year round, and make sure I don’t run out!! Thank you Rachel for such amazing products, which make for a much more enjoyable horse time.
Rachael Roberts - Kerikeri - February 2016
I won a sample pack of Ulzeraide to use on my Standardbred gelding.
Before using this product on Eddie, acted like a stereotypical TB (as in a hot-headed, poor doer) not the nice and cruisey SB he is meant to be.
The simple task of walking over a pole could easily take over 10 minutes consisting of rearing, propping, backing up, shying and on top of that, he would be screaming his head off for his paddock mate and trying to bolt back to the gate.
The once pleasurable road ride became a nightmare; refusing to turn, rearing, or bolting whenever a car went past and he would become extremely colty if we rode past a paddock where there were horses.
The only change I made in Eddie’s diet for two weeks was giving him Ulzeraide. During those two weeks, he was not ridden. After two weeks I brought him in and tacked him up and took him to the riding paddock. He called out for his buddy once. I warmed him up on the ground and he was so soft to work! He happily trotted over poles and happily jumped everyone I put in front of him.
Happy with how he was working, I jumped on him. Eddie happily stood there while I hopped on. Previously he had a habit of trying to run off.
Now he happily opened his shoulders and he felt a lot better movement-wise. In the trot, we could trot a whole circle without any spooking, and for the first time in a long time, I had a nice cruisey, stress-free ride.
Eddie is even holding his weight a lot better and doesn’t need two big feeds a day. He happily chills in his paddock and is no longer a big bully to his paddock mate. He is a completely different horse.
I highly recommend this product!
Gail Rickard - Southbridge - January 2016
I have all three of my TB geldings on the Power Star Nutrition supplements. I use Ulzeraide, Pazture Guarde, Pazture Mag, Eaze Up and Essentials. The horses are all of the different ages, from 6yo to 15yo, and all have slightly different nutrition requirements to suit each of their needs. I find that the Power Star Nutrition supplements work wonderfully for each of them and I am easily able to tailor the amounts that each horse needs to suit them individually. It has been a pleasure and very exciting to see the transformation of each horse from what they were when I got them to how they are now, and I know that a lot of the credit goes to the supplements they are given. Two of them I would call “fussy eaters” yet none have ever had a problem with the Power Star Nutrition supplements being introduced to their feeds. I have often started out with a small introductory dose for only a day or two and then gone straight up to the full dose without a problem. Having tried numerous other products to try to achieve the results I wanted, but never been quite happy, I am now thrilled with this range. It is very satisfactory that each product works harmoniously with the others, having been carefully developed by Rachel specifically to address issues for horses in NZ caused by our unique environmental conditions. I highly recommend the Power Star Nutrition range of supplements to anyone looking for great nutrition for their horse.
Stephanie Cross- Auckland - January 2016
Magic is a 22-year-old tb, and I’ve had him since he was 7 years old. He’s done a lot over the years, mainly eventing/horse trials. He’s a solid big-boned tb and started to show signs of wear and tear a few years ago. His back was sore, mainly the sacrum area and he’s been on so many different joint supplements. Since Magic has been on Eaze up, he’s a lot better and feels great, very youthful! Wouldn’t be without it!
Amanda Buxton - Auckland - January 2016
Hannah really looks forward to eating her feed now and is used to the taste. Not girthy anymore and calmer to handle when out. She can eat more grass in spring than she could before. Very happy with the product.
Corena Rhodes Gillespie - November 2015
Hey Rachel, the new products are amazing! I can’t believe how much calmer all the horses are, it’s insane! Even Dee can be out on the fresh grass and doesn’t bat an eyelid at everything! Here’s a photo of Dee in his first 1.15m on the weekend. I saw the wrong stride coming off the corner and had an uh oh moment but he’s so much more focused now since starting the new products. He took over and we made it over without any problems!
Hana Bognuda - Wanganui - November 2015
On moving to slightly richer pastures, our lovely quiet new pony started turning tricks of the very naughty kind. Limiting grass was only having a limited effect and was also causing him to become a “hangry” pony. He was also hugely resistant to a grazing muzzle so we turned to Rachel for advice and in addition to her very helpful advice about a revised grazing/feeding regime that would keep the pony happy and satisfied he was also put on Pazture Guarde and Ulzeraide. The combination was effective within around 4 days our pony went from unpredictable and out-of-character bucking to Mr. Chillaxed kid’s pony. A terrific outcome in a very short space of time and a huge relief for a Mum! Thanks, Rachel for such sound advice and an amazing product that we will never allow to run out!
Louise Brooks - Coatesville - Auckland - November 2015
Thrilled with the new products and I’m certain the horses are too. I can see a huge difference in both horses. They’ve both been on Ulzeraide for a while now and the improvement in Moses’ coat, weight, and eating is fantastic. Dan is also feeling awesome on the Ulzeraide and he can’t go without his Eaze Up! Very happy with how he has made the step up to 1.30m and Young Rider.
Dominique Visini - Auckland - November 2015